How to Nail Project Interviews

Session Type:

Pre Convention Workshop


Washington State Convention Center

Room Number: 310

Available Dates & Times


Separate Registration Required and a Registration fee of $175

With all the effort it takes to get an appointment with a new prospect, don’t miss the opportunity to win business because of a bad presentation. This program will discuss presentation preparation, awareness, techniques and leadership and provide strategies to influence any audience. Distracting appearance and auditory behaviors and how to reduce them will also be examined. Whether you present individually, or as part of a team, you will take away specific tactics proven to get your presentation off the ground and to land it effectively.


  • David Ashcraft

    Mr. Ashcraft’s expertise is taking normally tortuous subject matter and converting into content that is educational, engaging, and entertaining. He has been engaging businesses as a professional speaker for over twenty years and over the last ten years, David has been working with contracting associations and companies to teach their people the impact they have on financial outcomes.